EnviroClip™ Duo for Multipacks of Plastic and Glass Bottles and Jars
EnviroClip™ Duo is a clip-style multipack solution suitable for multipacks of glass and plastic bottles and jars, that uses the minimum amount of paperboard as an alternative to shrink film and flexible and rigid plastic rings.
The design is customized to accommodate the type and weight of container, ensuring the pack performs through the supply chain.
EnviroClip Duo offers real operational flexibility, with equipment options ranging from manual to fully automated. The solution is offered as a standard or a pre-glued clip to accommodate all packaging operations.
Convenient for the consumer, as the pack is comfortable to carry, the containers are easily dispensed, and the pack is recyclable after use.

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EnviroClip Duo – Handle
- Supports a variety of plastic bottles and containers
- Application is compatible with low and mid-speed machinery, and is designed with a small machine footprint

EnviroClip Duo – Beam
- Can support multiple containers including glass and plastic at various large weights
- Machinery can run at a range of speeds, from manual application to high-speed automation
Feature Foods Introduces EnviroClip™ Duo – Beam
Sold in most major grocery chains and specialty food retailers across North America and parts of Asia, Feature Foods wanted to launch a two-jar multipack of its popular MSC-certified pickled herring.
Related Machinery

ClipCombo™ for Cans
ClipCombo™ for cans offers beverage makers the ability to apply multiple paperboard clip-style multipacks to cans on one machine.

AutoClip™ EDBNG-90
The AutoClip™ EDBNG-90 is a high-speed machinery solution for applying the EnviroClip™ Duo Beam paperboard clip to plastic and glass jars and bottles in two- and three-pack formats.