Boardio™ Paperboard Canister

Boardio™ has a unique shape with space for product information and branding on all six sides.  

Many convenient features make this rigid paper container the ideal solution for a wide range of products, including dry mixes, coffee, snacks, confectionery, nutrition powders, and more.  

Recyclable, with optimal use of materials, and delivered flat to the point of filling, Boardio is both a sustainable and cost-effective option compared to rigid plastic and metal containers.  

Boardio is flexible in size, shape, structure, and barrier, so it can be customized to meet your specific needs and requirements.  

Sealio™ and Cekacan™ are now part of the Boardio portfolio of canister solutions, with the same high level of barrier protection now offered with Boardio.

Boardio™ Paperboard Canister

Boardio Benefits

Sustainability Benefits
  • Made from more than 80% fiber, a renewable material  
  • Recyclable in typical paper and board waste diversion programs1

1 In North America, Western Michigan University (WMU) has performed tests confirming a high level of repulpability and a more than 80% fiber yield. In Europe, we have tested and certified Boardio using the German lab Interseroh. 

Consumer Experience Benefits
Consumer Experience
  • Keeps contents fresh thanks to the unique barrier technology 
  • Easy to open and re-close, with an integrated lid 
  • Easy scoop and pour function 
Operational Efficiency Benefits
Operational Efficiency
  • Tailored low to high barrier protection 
  • Delivered flat for filling – a typical Boardio canister can reduce transport requirements by around 95%2 versus a rigid canister 

2 Boardio requires just three trucks to ship one million canisters versus 56 trucks to ship a rigid alternative 

Brand and Marketing Benefits
Brand and Marketing
  • Satisfies consumer demand for recyclable packaging alternatives with less plastic  
  • The unique shape and the ability to print high-quality graphics on all sides create differentiation on the retail shelf 

See Boardio in Action

With more than 80 percent fiber, Boardio has a unique shape with space for product information and branding on all six sides. It offers excellent protection for a range of applications. Delivered flat to the point of filling and with optimal use of materials, Boardio is both a sustainable and cost-effective solution. 

Boardio Applications

Boardio™ Fiber-Based Canister Packaging - Coffee
Boardio™ Fiber-Based Canister Packaging - Snacks
Boardio™ Fiber-Based Canister Packaging - Confectionery
Boardio™ Fiber-Based Canister Packaging - Vitamins
Nutritional Products
Boardio™ Fiber-Based Canister Packaging - Infant milk formula
Infant Milk Formula
Boardio™ Fiber-Based Canister Packaging - Beauty

Boardio: The Sustainable Shift 

This eBook explores Boardio, the paperboard canister that meets consumer preference, regulatory requirements, and brand and retailer sustainability goals. 

Hear More About Boardio

Hear Adam Peek from the People of Packaging podcast chat with members of our team about all the things that make this unique paperboard canister more circular, more convenient, and more functional than traditional alternatives.

Related Machinery

Boardio™ Machinery System
Boardio™ Machinery System

The Boardio™ machinery system and materials have been optimized for efficient continuous production with minimal downtime.