ProducePack™ Packaging for Fresh Fruit & Vegetables
ProducePack™ is a range of innovative paperboard packaging designed for fresh fruit and vegetables.
Visually appealing, user-friendly packs bring recyclable paperboard and high-quality printed graphics into the fresh produce aisle to enhance your brand image and your consumer’s experience.
Features include:
- Hand-pack and automated machinery options
- Range of solutions from punnets to fully enclosed cartons
- Shelf-ready packaging
- Premium, high-quality graphics

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Pack Formats
- Enclosed Cartons – Available with machine or hand-closed options in the 1# – 4# size range
- Produce Baskets – Manual carton setup with an option for two internal cells (variety pack); handle stands naturally or folds completely for merchandising and transport
- Formed Nested Trays – Unique eight-sided structure with option for handle. Features full range of print and substrates
- Formed Nested Cartons – Sized to fit standard DRC trays, these cartons provide excellent product visibility in an easy-carry format
- Punnet Tray – Available for either manual or automated filling, this recyclable tray is the sustainable alternative to plastic punnet trays

Learn More About the ProducePack™ Punnet
ProducePack™ Punnet Tray
The ProducePack™ Punnet is a top-sealed paperboard tray for applications such as cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, grapes, and berries that offers superior recyclability compared to plastic alternatives, with enhanced on-shelf differentiation. It is an effective alternative to traditional PP and APET punnet trays for growers, packers, and retailers.

ProducePack Applications
- Cherry tomatoes
- Round tomatoes
- Berries
- Apples
- Grapes
- Pears
- Mushrooms
- Citrus fruits
- Bananas
- Assorted vegetables

BelleHarvest Transforms Its Apple Packaging With ProducePack™
Apple distributor BelleHarvest partnered with Graphic Packaging to create new packaging for their premium apples that is functional, fully recyclable, and aesthetically pleasing.